Winter can leave us feeling a bit ‘blah’ about our wardrobes. While there are lots of ways to layer up, the rest of your clothing takes a back seat until better weather arrives. However, that doesn’t have to be the case. Winter is the ideal time to rearrange your wardrobe and find items you can revive into fresh, new fashion.

Another benefit of reviving older items of clothing is that it’s budget-friendly and creative. There’s also been a recent peak in interest for repairing and upcycling clothing due to conversations around sustainability. Plus, you’ll find plenty of ‘how-to’ videos and fashion hacks on Instagram and TikTok for inspiration.

mending clothing

Release your inner fashion designer

If you have never tried your hand at clothing repairs or upcycling, it’s the perfect time to learn how. Some jobs are best left to the professionals, but many you can attempt for yourself. There are common misconceptions that repairing clothing is a time-consuming process. However, with a few tips and tricks, it doesn’t have to be.

In society, we are relatively removed from the process of garment production. Plus, as fashion is readily available, throwing away items is the norm. However, if something has a small hole or needs altering because it doesn’t fit, why not repair it instead?

Not only will you have a well-fitting garment, but it’ll also save you money. Plus, you learn new skills in the process.

So, if you’re interested in reviving your winter wardrobe, check out our tips below for mending, making and upcycling old clothing.

take up a hem

Adjust the hem on your trousers

We have standard clothing sizes, but there is a lot of discrepancy between one brand and another. This can leave you with various fitting issues, including trousers that drag on the floor. In most cases, you’ll never get the perfect fit unless you visit a tailor. The alternative? Adjust the hem yourself.

Shortening trousers can look complicated. But, even if you’re not very handy with a needle and thread, there are products to help, including heat-activated bonding web and tape for a quick fix. Just remember, if you are going to attempt to shorten an item of clothing, take your time to measure carefully before you cut the fabric.

Rework holes and rips

It is always sad when your favourite t-shirt ends up with a hole. However, it doesn’t mean it needs to head straight for the bin. Instead, get creative with a contrasting patch fix. Depending on where the hole is, you can make a fresh new feel with the fabric to give it a unique design.

sew on a patch

From sewing a contrasting patch over the hole to carefully using a small piece taken from the hem, so it matches, there are endless ways to bring your garment back to life. The Internet has plenty of instructional videos like this one if you feel adventurous and want to try your hand at embroidering a patch.

Two-tone sweatshirts and hoodies

The trend of contrasting panels on sweatshirts and hoodies has taken the Internet by storm. Top brands and designers have jumped on this design idea. However, a cheaper and more unique way to recreate it is to make your own. The beauty of this creation is that you can try different contrasting panels.

Use the arms of one sweatshirt on the body section of another. Or cut each in half to create a two-tone look. You could even mix materials. For example, jersey and denim work well together. The options are varied. Plus, this is ideal if you have two jumpers that need a refresh.

two tone sweatshirt

Switching up buttons

Even those with no confidence in their sewing abilities should be able to master sewing on a button or two! If you lose a button, you could always use this as an excuse to revamp an item by changing all the buttons for something that makes a statement.

Buttons are cheap, and there are millions available online in many colours. Just be sure to note how big the buttonholes are before you make a purchase, as you need to be able to do the item up!


Adding embellishments to clothing

Finally, you can update any item in your wardrobe with embellishments, perhaps the addition of a scarf or some patches to add colour to your garments. There are numerous detailing options for clothing, from delicate beads and applique designs to rhinestones and embroidery.

Upcycling and mending clothing is a great way to use older items in your wardrobe. Latest trends also show us creating your own clothing is something that everyone can try, whatever your ability. To inspire your next project, check out some unique creations here. Plus, browse our selection of fabrics suitable for all types of clothing.